Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Crochet Airplane

 I loved this pattern the moment I saw it. It was perfect. You see, I just got a chance to do something that has been on my heart for a long time.

  First, let me say that I am not looking for a pat on the back. I am writing this to encourage other fiber artists. I want to encourage you to use your talent to help others. I know many, many other artists already do this. This was my first chance and it was a blessing to me!

  A friend from my crochet group posted about a little boy in her family that is fighting cancer. She wanted to put together a package for him so, she asked ladies in our group, if we were able, to make something for the package.

  I have always felt that the Lord gives us talents and we should use them to help and bless others. I always had good intentions of reaching out somehow with crochet, but I never did.

  I new I needed to do this. It may seem like it's just a little toy plane but the joy he will feel when he gets his special package from all of these dear ladies will be healing for him. (Proverbs 17:22~ A merry heart does good like medicine...) I felt so much joy as I made this, it really was a blessing to me too. I also got a chance to pray for him and his family as I made this. I would like to ask others who read this to pray for him as well.

  There are many organizations that fiber artists can donate to. I would encourage you to look them up in your area and donate if you are able. This is something I plan to do as well.

  And as for the adorable pattern, it is called Crochet Airplane. This plane is just too cute. I love how bright and colorful it is! I was so inspired, I ran straight to my stash and found different worsted weight yarns that looked great for a little fella's plane and away I went. The writer did a wonderful job with this pattern. It is easy to follow and I made it in a day. My own little guy saw this and loved it, so I am making him one too! I figured that was also a good sign that the other little boy will like it as well. It is a perfect size for little hands and there is just something endearing about a chubby little plane I think!

1 comment:

  1. That is so special. I am sure he will love the little airplane. It is so cute.


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