Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Beginning Weaving

Hello all! I thought I would begin using my blog as a way to record, keep track, and share my fiber art adventures. I don’t know that I felt much purpose with my blog in the past but if I look at it as a way of journaling and sharing, that certainly helps. I will keep the posts quick and to the point, better for me and you!

I have recently begun to weave again. Years ago I used to weave on a rigid heddle loom. It was very relaxing and I took to it quickly but I have to admit, I didn’t enjoy warping it at all. And it’s considered a little loom! But tapestry weaving has caught my eye. It’s so beautiful and organic. And a huge plus, you only have to warp a frame loom! Granted these can get humongous, but they can also be quite small. So, that is where I started.

I found a wonderful little tutorial over at The Weaving Loom on how to make a cardboard loom! Talk about not having to make an investment to see if you like it! So I made a cardboard loom and it was quite sturdy! I quickly warped it with crochet cotton and grabbed some Scheepjes minis for my yarn  along with some roving and away I went! I used a yarn needle to help with weaving and a fork from the kitchen to push down the weft threads after each pass! So simple! Another bonus is living in the country surrounded in oak and black walnut trees, I can find hangers right outside of my door! Also, there are plenty of YouTube videos for teaching techniques!

I was delighted to find weaving so peaceful. It is a wonderful process and always new. You get to use your imagination throughout which leaves little room for boredom. I have turned out quite a few but today, I want to share my first weaving off of the little cardboard loom.

                                         Thank you all for joining me here on this adventure!

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